Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Today an Internet search on the topic of intercultural communication or cross-cultural communication yields over 100 000 results. In recent years practitioners in a wide variety of fields—scientific cooperation, academic research, business, management, education, health, culture, politics, diplomacy, development, and others—have realised just how important intercultural communication is for their everyday work. Fast travel, international media, and the Internet have made it easy for us to communicate with people all over the world. The process of economic globalisation means that we cannot function in isolation but must interact with the rest of the world for survival. The global nature of many widely diverse modern problems and issues such as the environment, governance of the Internet, poverty and international terrorism call for cooperation between nations. Intercultural communication is no longer an option, but a necessity.
Because important decisions in business, politics, education, health, and culture these days usually effect citizens of more than one nation, the question of whether communication between people of different nations is effective and whether all parties emerge with the same understanding is of crucial importance. Individuals who deal with people from other cultures want to learn how to improve their performance through improving their communication skills. Numerous resources have sprung up to meet this emerging market in the business, academic and international relations communities: leading authors have written books and articles on the topic; business services provide consultation for improving the conduct of international business; universities and other educational institutions offer programs or degrees in Intercultural Communication; and researchers have established international journals and academic societies specialising in research on intercultural communication. In fact, intercultural communication has become a business in itself.

Monday, September 22, 2008


Communication network is the link between transmitter and receiver is straightforward, and they have the channel to themselves. One modern example of this communications mode is the modem that connects a personal computer with an information server via a telephone line. The key aspect, some would say flaw, of this model is that the channel is is dedicated. Only one communications link through the channel is allowed for all time. Regardless whether we have a wireline or wireless channel, communication bandwidth is precious, and if it could be shared without significant degradation in communications performance (measured by signal-to-noise ratio for analog signal transmission and by bit-error probability for digital transmission) so much the better.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


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~Communicating During the Crisis~

Get the facts.
Miscommunication heightens during a crisis and can be exaggerated by half-truths, distortions, or negative perceptions. Get to the heart of the real story and tell it.
Take the offensive when a serious matter occurs.
Be active, not reactive. Tell it all; tell it fast.
Deal with rumors swiftly.
Tell only the truth about what you know to be fact. Do not repeat others’ opinions, hearsay, or possibilities.
Centralize information.
Designate one spokesperson. A central spokesperson provides a singular "face" for the reporters. Viewers begin to become familiar with a central spokesperson, so this is one way to begin building credibility with the organization, if the person comes across as trustworthy. Centralized information also will minimize miscommunication.
Don’t get mad. Don’t get mad. Don’t get mad.
Keep your cool in an interview or news conference with reporters. Some of their questions may be hostile, and some questions and comments may seem to be a personal attack to you, but remember that they are trying to get information on a crisis-oriented story that may have widespread impact to their audiences. So don’t get mad when you are asked the "hard" questions.
Stay "on the record" in all interviews.
Do not go "off the record." Any comment worth saying should be said "on the record." If you go "off the record," be ready to read it in print the next day. Is this unethical for reporters to report "off the record" comments? Sure, but anything can, may, and will be done to advance a story. You should not be lured into going "off the record" under any circumstance.
No "no comments."
Try to have an answer for reporters’ questions. But if you don’t have an answer, don’t be afraid to say, "I don’t know, but I’ll find out." Saying "no comment" instead, appears to television news viewers and newspaper readers that you have something to hide.
In any crisis situation, follow every order, direction or suggestion from emergency officials.
Write everything down.
Maintain a crisis communication inventory of what was said by whom and at what time. This way, you will have a record of the event and how it was communicated. You can evaluate your responses so you will be better prepared if another crisis happens in the future.

Friday, August 15, 2008


Pada minggu ini, kuliah menyentuh tentang apa itu 'Organisational Climate'. Disini, dari pemahaman saya, iklim organisasi berkait rapat dengan proses menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang kondusif, sehingga dapat menciptakan hubungan majikan dan pekerja yang harmonis diantara seluruh anggota organisasi dengan menekankan Iklim Suportif yang ideal serta dengan menilai Faktor-Faktor Penyokong. Organisasi hanya dapat didirikan dengan beberapa tujuan dan objektif tertentu yang hanya dapat dicapai melalui tindakan yang harus dilakukan dengan persetujuan bersama iaitu diantara majikan dan pekerja. Jadi apabila tujuan itu membawa kebaikan bagi anggota organisasi tersebut sekaligus kepada masyarakat.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Mmm..xde kelas?

Kelas organ comm xder 2 minggu...


Sunday, July 27, 2008


Minggu ni pula menyentuh mengenai 'Theory and Management Practices'..

Tapi apa yang menarik minat saya pada kuliah kali ni apabila menyentuh berkenaan dengan masalah perlakuan ataupun etika dikalangan kakitangan di dalam sebuah organisasi. Ini kerana ia adalah perkara yang kerap terjadi di mana-mana organisasi sekalipun. Baru-baru ini saya sendiri telah menjadi mangsa diatas salah laku etika seorang pekerja yang bekerja di pejabat Fakulti Komunikasi dan Pengajian Media sendiri...ketika itu, saya berada di pejabat dan sedang mengambil slip keputusan peperiksaan serta sedang mencari-cari dimanakah slip yang tertera nama saya. Sepantas kilat pekerja itu merampas slip dan menengking saya, dan dia bertanya "nak cari siapa punye ni,pandai-pandai sendiri plak?!" "MC berapa ni?! 222 ke 223 ke?! "nama apa ni,mula dari huruf mana?!" saya tergamam dan terkejut...lalu menjawab pertanyaannya...tetapi terdetik didalam hati ketika itu...saya dah lama jadi student, saya bukan bayi untuk disuap selalu, takkanlah benda-benda mudah seperti itu, saya tak tahu nak selesaikannya sendiri. Lagipun, saya tak suruh dia menyusahkan diri nak cari slip untuk saya. Sebenarnya, pertama kali saya melihat pekerja itu, pekerja baru agaknya. Selalunya bagi semua pelajar-pelajar Mascomm, segala masalah akan dibantu oleh Kak Shina. Kak Shina juga kadang-kadang garang, tetapi bertempat dan tidaklah seteruk pekerja itu. So rude beb! Saya juga lihat, pekerja itu bukanlah banyak sangat buat kerja, duduk dan makan sahaja kerjanya. Macam ni ke sikap kakitangan kerajaan? Tiba-tiba saja meninggikan suara. Bekerja di fakulti komunikasi, tetapi malangnya dia mempraktikkan komunikasi yang sangat teruk.

Disini dapat dilihat bahawa etika kerja yang baik dan positif sebenarnya perlu ditanam di kalangan kakitangan awam supaya mutu perkhidmatan dapat diperbaiki dan dipertingkatkan sekiranya perkhidmatan yang diberi kepada pelanggan mahupun rakyat sentiasa cekap, bermutu tinggi dan berkesan. Perkhidmatan Awam akan sentiasa dihormati. Saya juga pasti mungkin ada sistem yang telah dilaksanakan di mana pihak pekerja dan majikan dapat bersama-sama berganding bahu bekerja ke arah peningkatan mutu kerja dan kecekapan di dalam perkhidmatan. Bagi saya ini bukanlah satu perkara yang mustahil untuk dilaksanakan.Ini kerana saya juga dapat maklumat bahawa negara Jepun telah membuktikan bahawa pengurusan yang bersifat participative’ d semua peringkat pekerja...bukan sahaja memperbaiki, menambah dan mempertingkatkan produktiviti pekerja malahan perhubungan yang mesra dan muhibah di antara pekerja dan majikan dapat diwujudkan.


Saturday, July 19, 2008


Kuliah pada minggu lepas, menyentuh kepada konsep organisasi. Jadi disini, pemahaman saya sudah jelas bahawa organisasi adalah sistem yang melibatkan sekurang-kurangnya dua orang yang saling bergantungan untuk menghasilkan sebarang input atau pengeluaran. Beberapa individu bergandingan dengan menggunakan tenaga, maklumat, material serta pemikiran. Aktiviti-aktiviti yang dilakukan oleh organisasi dipengaruhi oleh perlakuan dan diikuti oleh reaksi seseorang individu. Dan aktiviti ini pula dipengaruhi oleh setiap pengkhususan tugas yang diberikan berasaskan hiraki kuasa serta pegangan iaitu dimana setiap tanggungjawab yang dipegang hendaklah dijalankan mengikut struktur jawatan masing-masing. Seperti yang telah dibincangkan, bahawa setiap "compartment" didalam sesebuah syarikat hendaklah mempunyai sempadan, supaya setiap individu tahu tugas yang telah diberikan dan juga komunikasi pertalian kerja itu amat penting dalam sesebuah organisasi.
Jadi, dengan menggunakan komunikasi sebagai asas untuk manusia dapat memberikan kefahaman bagaimana manusia mengatur cara hidup dan organisasi adalah sesuatu yang dicipta oleh seseorang menerusi komunikasi dan aktiviti mereka.